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New Sparkling Holidays Commemorative Forever stamps featuring classic images of Santa are available for mailing holiday cards and letters this year— a time-honored tradition embraced by millions annually.
The Sparkling Holidays stamps, sold in booklets of 20, feature four classic portraits of Santa Claus. Taken from larger paintings created by Sundblom, these vintage images were originally published in ads for The Coca-Cola Company from the 1940s through the early 1960s. Sundblom is credited as the individual who most refined the modern image of Santa.
Art director Greg Breeding designed the stamps and the souvenir sheet with existing art by Sundblom.
The Sparkling Holidays stamps, sold in booklets of 20, feature four classic portraits of Santa Claus. Taken from larger paintings created by Sundblom, these vintage images were originally published in ads for The Coca-Cola Company from the 1940s through the early 1960s. Sundblom is credited as the individual who most refined the modern image of Santa.
Art director Greg Breeding designed the stamps and the souvenir sheet with existing art by Sundblom.

Item specifics
Forever Stamp
Year of Issue
Place of Origin
United States
Mint Never Hinged/MNH
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